
Friday, October 21, 2016

Why you should become a property recruitment consultant

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to save money for your first apartment? Know from Justin Urbas

The large purchases such as your first house can be made successfully only if you start planning it in advance. However, for everyone, managing all expenses and saving a decent amount of money to fund the house is not possible. Here are some tips from Justin Urbas for creation of a fund to purchase the first home.

Save at least 10% of your earnings each month: If you have determined to purchase own home, start saving now. Initially, you should try to save at least 10% of the earnings of each month. The amount might look small during first few days. But, if you can continue it for long time, a significant portion of the fund can be made using the saved money.

Pay off your debts: If you already have debts, pay it before purchasing the house. It will benefit you in two ways. Firstly, it will help you to get loans of bigger amount. Secondly, once the debts are paid, you will not need to spend monthly on mortgages and other borrowings. Justin Urbas considers in long run, you will save a lot of money by doing this.

Save unnecessary stuffs: Selling the stuffs that are not being used at your house is another effective technique for saving money. At every home, you will find lots of furniture or dresses which are not in use. You can sell these items regularly to get some extra cash.

Know about loans: Different types of loans are available that you can use for funding the first apartment. However, each type of loans has different benefits. So, before applying for one, you should know which one is the best suited for you.

Justin Urbas considers that controlling your current expenditure can also help you to save huge amount of money. So, when you are determined to purchase the home, reduce spending on luxurious items.